Living with Multiple Sclerosis


What is Multiple Sclerosis? | The symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis | Relating the immune system to MS | My experience and diagnosis | NHS Direct | Who gets Multiple Sclerosis | Fatigue MS society update | A little soft heartedness (poem) | Navigation Links page
Links to several information sources

A number of links to go through for further information on Multiple Sclerosis, medication, depression and many more besides. Go through them at your leisure, and I hope you find the information you are looking for.
If you come accross any other web pages which you think may be of some use to others then please don't hesitate to contact me so I can add it to the list of links and let it also help others looking for the same kind of information.

Major Drug Company Links:- Support sites for help with medication descriptions

Major Organizations:- National and regional societies.

Government Links:- To relevent government agancies

General Medical Reference Sites:- For help with MS specific medication

Drug Links:- to treat symptoms and side effects used to treat symptoms and side effects of ms or related diseases.

Community Links:- Many links to the wider MS community

Depression and Suicide:- Links to pages on depression and suicide

Usenet Newsgroups:- The global perpective

People With MS:- Great site to be able to chat to others in a chat room

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